Year #1, Day #1


Hi! If your reading this, thank you for coming! You may have come here because your a Harry Potter fan like me, or maybe you were just clicking random buttons - well, no matter how you got here, I hope you stay and read my entries. Of course, I won't be sharing my full name on this so therefore I am going to use my Harry Potter role play name - Lindsay Burkes. I am 11 years old and I'm a first year in hogwarts: school of witchcraft and wizardry. It's TECHNICALLY true. After all, I do attend it on "World of Potter" , which is a Harry Potter game where you can do homework, grade homework, role play, and play quidditch, and more! My username is Lindsay Lovegood on that. My average grade is an O but I sometimes get E, so the two best grades! I hope you continue reading my blog, as It will be updated at least once a week! - Lindsay Burkes

Year #1, Day #2
